A letter from the Uniformed EMTs, Paramedics, and Inspectors of F.D.N.Y. - AFSCME Local 2507
Dear Fraternal Sisters and Brothers of the United EMS Workers:
The Uniformed EMTs and Paramedics of Local 2507 represent EMS professionals working alongside the firefighters of the FDNY. Our local has a 50 year history as part of the 100 year history of organized labor in the City of New York. We hope you had a chance to meet some of our member volunteers on the ground in Northern California who know the benefits of being part of a strong national union – AFSCME.
If all politics are local, only a constituency of commonality can focus on issues of concern to EMS professionals. That focus becomes laser sharp when locals have the ability to tap the vast legal, financial, and cross country experience of AFSCME and the AFL-CIO.
The constituency of commonality is the hallmark of any local union. All of our Officers, Executive Board Members, Trustees, and Delegates are well seasoned “street docs” who have vast experience on the day-to-day level. The local is not subjected to the whims of anonymous national leaders. All business is face-to-face with parties who have skin in the game. The members speak through their votes. The officers are directly elected or they are shown the door.
As a union of municipal EMS providers, our hard fought enhancements to the quality of life have benefited all participants in the 911 system. Requirements for driver training, Haz Mat awareness, bunker gear, and crisis intervention were all innovations fostered by Local 2507 and extended to private sector providers.
As a local, we have the ability to identify issues of importance to our members. Pay equity issues were addressed and resulted in raises above the city wide average and nearly equal to police and fire averages. By tapping the resources of the national union and mounting a legislative initiative, we now enjoy a 25 year no age pension, as well as a 75% disability pension for line of duty injury, heart disease, and some contagious diseases.
Educate, organize, and agitate is the pathway to successful positive change. Those 3 concepts can be accomplished only with the vast experience and resources of a state and national union. A vote for United EMS Workers/AFSCME will ensure your seat at the table on a local, state, and national level.
Israel Miranda